Special Educational Needs and disability
Our nursery group complies with the Special Educational Needs & Disability Code of Practice (2014) and the Equalities Act 2010 and provides welcome and appropriate learning opportunities for all children.
The aims and objectives of our SEND policy
We aim to offer an appropriate learning environment in which to provide a range of activities that meet individual needs.
We strive to identify any difficulties a child may be experiencing early.
We develop partnerships with parents and always consult with them if we feel a child may need further assessment or help.
A child’s progress will be observed, monitored and recorded as appropriate. If a child is not making adequate progress, staff will liaise closely with the Noah’s Ark Nursery Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) on setting appropriate targets.
We may also liaise with other professionals to ensure that we are offering effective provision for children with special educational needs.
Specialist facilities, staffing and resources
Our premises are large, spacious and on one level with wheelchair access. Activities and resources are arranged so that all children have free movement between and access to them.
All our equipment can be presented and adapted to suit all the children attending our provision.
Staff members are deployed within the group to work with individual children as appropriate.
We provide a range of differentiated or adapted resources to promote the Early Years Foundation Stage goals. These include photographs, pictures, pop-up books, tactile books, story rhyme tapes, topic books and magazines. We also seek funding for appropriate resources to meet a child’s individual needs.
Our staff have experience of working with children who have autistic spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, aphasia, dyspraxia, hearing impairment, and children with English as an additional language. All staff members in the setting are trained in the sensitivity and knowledge required to provide for children with special educational needs.
Staff members are trained in the use of Makaton or British Sign Language and positive behaviour management. Staff members have attended workshops covering Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Speech and Language difficulties, Inclusive Play and the Disability Discrimination Act together with Equal Opportunities.
Our SENDCO and other members of staff attend appropriate training run by our Early Education Consultant Team and the Early Years and Childcare Training Unit to gain further knowledge. We are also able to access support and up-to-date information and advice from our Early Education Consultant Teams (curriculum, organisation and SEND).
The setting complies with standards set by the Equalities Act 2010 and we will make reasonable adjustments as necessary. Our toilets are accessible and include disabled toilet facilities.
Noah's Ark Nursery Group
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